where does self motivation come from?

Uncover Where Does Self Motivation Come From? and explore the key sources of drive that fuel personal growth and success.

Staying motivated is very important to achieve your daily tasks, meet your goals and succeed in your lives. Where does self-motivation come from? From within you, of course! All you need to do is to look within you, understand your potential and keep pushing yourself further, even when situations aren’t favorable.

where does self motivation come from

What is self-motivation all about and why is self motivation important to help you meet your goals?  To know the answers to these questions and more, keep reading further.

A beginner’s guide to self-motivation

Where does self-motivation come from? This is one of the most common questions in your mind if you are looking at ways to keep your morale high and meet your targets.  A self-motivated person is one who will complete his tasks on his own, without anybody insisting him to do the needful.

He will have a single-minded focus to complete the task that he was set out for, even though he faces many challenges in the process. A self-motivated individual is one who knows how to overcome lack of motivation due to depression. He will find out different ways to engage his mind and stay alert of the situation around him, so that he never loses sight of the big picture.

How do you stay motivated at all times?

As we have seen from the above points, self-motivation is the key that pushes you to keep delivering your daily task, regardless of the situation. It is the strong force that helps you realize your potential and also encourages you to break your own benchmarks. What are some sources that answer the question, where does self-motivation come from? Read on to know more:

Choose your friends carefully

You spend quite a lot of time at college or work with your friends. Therefore, it is quite natural for you to be influenced by your friends’ opinions and beliefs.  Your close group of contacts is the first answer that comes to our minds when we are presented with the question, where does self- motivation come from.

You should be with people who have a positive outlook towards work, and who are always on the lookout for opportunities to learn new things. You could have a healthy competition with your friends, so that you push each other in raising the bar and exceeding your own expectations.

When things don’t work out the way you expect on a particular day, you tend to feel dejected. It is during these times that the positivity of your friends will keep you motivated to carry on with our work without getting affected by anything else. Now, do you understand what you need to do to understand the answer to the question, where does self-motivation come from?

Self-development is the key

Spending at least one hour every day to improve your physical and mental health is key to staying motivated and rejuvenated throughout the day.  Fix an hour every day to take care of your overall well-being. This could include a healthy mix of physical exercises, mental conditioning exercises such as yoga and drawing inspiration from self-motivation examples of famous personalities.

All of these will keep your mind fresh, so that negative thoughts are kept at bay. When you invest time for yourself, you start feeling happy and content. Being content is very important to stay motivated. This is why we told you right at the beginning of the article that you have to search within yourself, if you want to know the answer to the question, where does self-motivation come from.

Improve your social skills

Most of the times, staying within your shell and keeping your thoughts clogged in your mind can result in depression and lack of motivation. Hence, it is of paramount importance that you have to develop your social skills.

Get out of your comfort zone and enroll yourself in network groups on social media platforms. Connect with like-minded people, so that you can brainstorm ideas and come up with innovative solutions, thereby keeping your mind fresh, active and positive always. There will never be a dull moment, once you join various network groups on platforms like Facebook.

Eat, sleep and work on time

If you want to know the answer to the question, where does self-motivation come from, you should not shy away from doing a self-introspection. Can you feel motivated when your stress levels are always high or when you are always chasing huge deadlines? Of course, not! This is why it is important to get a structure in your lives.

You need to switch-on and switch-off, as and when needed so that you can enjoy a perfect work-life balance. You need to sleep for about 6 hours every day if your mind has to stay fresh and creative. Therefore, follow the age-old saying of “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” right from today.

You also need to pay a lot of attention to your diet. If you want your mind to stay motivated and positive, your body should cooperate with your mind with the same. Drink plenty of water and include healthy fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, along with the required dose of nutrients. You will notice a lot of positive changes in your lifestyle and your alertness, when you bring in discipline to these 3 factors – food, sleep routine and work schedule.

Set reasonable goals

Where does self-motivation come from? From your goals and your potential, of course! You feel motivated when you keep achieving the small targets that you set within the deadlines. However, ensure that you set reasonable goals for yourself if you want this to happen. For example, you could target to lose 2kgs in a month, as it is a reasonable target.

However, when you set yourself an unreasonable target, such as losing 6kgs in a month, climbing Mt. Everest after only a month’s preparation, etc. you are not fair to yourself. These unreasonable targets will put undue pressure on you and take away the motivation from you completely. Whenever you set goals, you should always remember to follow the SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely). This way, you can make the best use of your goals in helping you stay motivated until you reach the final target.


In conclusion, self-motivation is a complex phenomenon that arises from internal and external factors. While some people may be naturally driven by a strong sense of purpose or passion, others may draw motivation from external rewards such as recognition, praise, or financial incentives. Additionally, a supportive environment, positive self-talk, and clear goals can contribute to a person’s level of self-motivation.

Ultimately, self-motivation is a deeply personal experience that varies from person to person. It is important to understand and nurture the sources of motivation that work best for you. With the right mindset and tools, anyone can cultivate a strong sense of self-motivation and achieve their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why self motivation is important?

Self-motivation is important because it drives individuals to take action and achieve their goals. It helps people stay focused, overcome obstacles and persist in facing challenges. Without self-motivation, individuals may struggle to achieve their desired outcomes and become demotivated or stagnant.

What does self motivated mean?

Self-motivation means having the inner drive and initiative to pursue and achieve one’s goals without external pressure or influence. Self-motivated individuals are proactive, resilient, and have a strong sense of purpose, which helps them stay committed and focused on their objectives. They take responsibility for their actions and outcomes and constantly seek self-improvement.


Hello, my name is Alex, and I am the founder of Wolfionaire.com, a personal development, and finance blog focused on motivation, success, and wealth. I am obsessed with studying the world's wealthiest individuals and learning about their path to success. I believe anyone can achieve their financial goals with the right mindset and strategies, and I hope to inspire and empower my readers to pursue their own path to success.

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