Hey there! Ever hopped into an Uber and wondered, What does my driver think of me? Or perhaps, Is taxi driving a good job? Well, let me spill the beans. And by the way, it’s more about the experience than the judgment.
If you’re curious about how different industries and professions handle success and challenges, you might also find it interesting to explore the dumbest ways people became millionaires, where luck, timing, and the right opportunity changed lives in the most unexpected ways. It’s all about ensuring a good ride for both you and them.
What Your Uber Driver Really Sees When They Pick You Up

The Power of Observation
All of us have stories, right? Uber drivers are basically human radars – and they’re really good at picking up on little details. Kelly J., an ace Uber driver from Denver, compares it to what a waiter or flight attendant might pick up on. How much do Uber comfort drivers make? you might wonder. Kelly states that it’s decent and largely depends on the area and the hours put in. Drivers aren’t being nosy – they’re just figuring out the best way to make your ride smooth and safe.
Ever been a people-watcher? Then you’ll understand the intrigue. Kelly confesses, Hearing about who my riders are, where they’re headed, and why is hands-down the best part of driving.” Ever pondered on the question, How long do Uber drivers wait? Kelly explains that they usually wait up to 5 minutes for a regular ride and 2 minutes for a pool ride.
Now, to dish out some tea 🍵: We chatted with Kelly and some other drivers to get the scoop on what stands out to them. Psst! You might want to know this especially if you’re an Uber regular. And oh, here’s a fun fact: some polite habits you think are cool? Drivers might not be too fond of them! Also, ever been baffled about tipping? We’ll touch on that too.
Location, Location, Location!
First thing that grabs your driver’s attention? Where you’re at and where you wanna go! Tio M., a seasoned Uber driver from New Orleans, spills, The neighborhood gives me insights – maybe about your job, age, or even the kind of day you’ve had. Yeah, it sounds a bit stereotypical, but it’s grounded in reality. Nicer areas often mean better fares and tips. On the flip side, sketchy places? Drivers are understandably wary. Tio mentions, Bad neighborhoods can be potential setups. Safety first!
By the way, did you know? In just the initial months of 2023, three Uber drivers in New Orleans faced tragic ends while on duty. Some areas? They’re just no-go zones for drivers.
Heads up! Uber keeps tabs on this. They flag drivers who consistently dodge requests from certain areas, terming it destination discrimination. Too many of these and a driver might find their Uber days numbered. Remember, it’s about fairness and keeping the playing field even for everyone.
Rating Roulette (It’s More Than Just a Number!)
First off, before the car even rolls up, your driver’s got the skinny on you. Specifically? Your name and that ever-mysterious passenger rating. Think of it as your report card in the world of Uber. Wondering where to find this golden number? Just tap on the privacy section of your app. for some cool stats on average ratings.
Here’s a fun twist: while you might think a 3-star review on Amazon ain’t bad, in the Uber-verse, anything under 4.7 has your driver scratching their head. Go below 4.59 and, yikes, Uber might show you the virtual door! Little slip-ups can ding your rating, like keeping your driver hanging at the pick-up spot. But, pulling a fast one on Uber or turning the car into a mess? That’ll leave a bigger scar. But hey, don’t fret too much! Individual ratings can be disputed. Your overall score, though? That’s the real deal.
Talk the Talk or Walk the Walk?
Next up, to chat or not to chat? That’s the in-car conundrum. Kelly, our friendly Uber driver, gives the lowdown: Some folks wanna chat, others wanna zen out. I’m cool with both, but I’m always watching for cues. Your chit-chat level can spill the beans about your personality and mood. But here’s a nugget of wisdom: oversharing or getting too cozy in convo? Many find it cringey. So, maybe don’t spill all the tea!
How You’re Feeling (Literally)
Uber’s not your doc, but hey, life’s unpredictable! Angela J., a driver from Sin City, notes, I always check if a rider looks a bit under the weather. In tight spaces, I don’t wanna catch what they’re throwing! Post-COVID, a sneeze or cough feels a tad more, um, intense, right?
But Angela’s not all about the germs. She’s got a heart of gold! She once footed the bill for a passenger headed for a tough medical appointment. Going through health stuff is rough. Doing it solo? Heartbreaking. But it’s not all gloom and doom. Angela’s also played speedy chauffeur for expecting moms. Her only ask? Name the kiddo after me! Angela or Angelo – both sound sweet!
DJ Passenger in the House!
Alright, confession time: how many of you get an adrenaline rush when handed the AUX cord? Angela says, Letting passengers DJ their ride? Heck yeah! Their playlists? An open book into their souls. Sounds deep, huh? But honestly, your jams can say a lot. From the beats you vibe to, the language, or even how loud you blast it.
And yep, Angela’s got an eagle eye on how many tracks you skip or if you’re belting out every lyric. Side note, she once had a diva passenger rock the car with a mini karaoke sesh. Talk about a perk-me-up! Did you know music can reveal so much about your personality?
Click It or… Just Click It!
Kelly’s mantra? Click that seatbelt, people! No exceptions. It’s not just for safety but kinda gives her a sneak peek into how much of a risk-taker you are. And parents? That car seat isn’t just for show. Safety first, always! Kelly feels you though, especially for those with kiddos. Being a nursing mama, I get the whole ‘baby-needs-attention’ drama, she says, But babes gotta stay buckled, period. Some studies even show that not wearing a seatbelt is a travel faux pas.
Had a Few Too Many?
Hands down, the biggest win of rideshares? You can indulge without taking the wheel. Big props for keeping the streets safer! But, and it’s a big BUT, turning the backseat into a spew zone? Not cool. Kelly’s got some words: Throwing up? That’s like gifting me a stench that never quits. A little tipsy? That’s cool. But on the verge of hurling? Give your driver a heads-up. And by the way, bartenders are also ace at spotting when you’ve had one too many.
Who’s On Board?
Riding solo? Smooth sailing! 🚶♂️ But the dynamics change when you roll in with your squad. As Tio, a seasoned driver puts it, The more, the merrier? Not always. Apparently, more peeps equal more noise, unscheduled pit stops, and some heated tip discussions. Remember to tip fairly, will ya? And get this, the company you keep? It’s like an open book about your lifestyle. Corporate clique? Pro vibes. Party posse? College shenanigans! But fear not, drivers usually love a filled car, and for most, the ride’s always a pleasant one.
The Chit-Chat Chronicles
Phone convo during the ride? If you ever thought, Why are Uber drivers always on the phone? you aren’t alone. It’s a question Tio gets often. He clarifies, Most times, it’s talking to the next rider or coordinating with family – it’s a multitasking gig! Think your driver’s in their own world? Think again! Tio’s got stories for days—from overheard juicy family secrets to some, uh, not-so-legal deals. A word of advice? Wanna keep your secrets safe? Dial down the volume or switch to tunes.
Whiff, Sniff, Piff!
Let’s address the elephant (or should I say scent?) in the car. Your perfume, cologne, or even that garlic lunch. It’s all amplified in the tight confines of an Uber. Angela says, That signature scent of yours? It’s like surround sound in here! But here’s the kicker: smells give away hints! From what you ate, to if you’re a smoker, or if Fluffy the cat’s been on your lap. Oh, and did you know your body odor might be hinting at your health? Little request from all drivers: Maybe skip that extra spritz while in the car?
Job Vibes & Uber Rides
So you’re rocking that white coat or perhaps that nametag? Bet you didn’t know your driver’s got a sixth sense about your 9-5. Lisa P., our uber-cool (pun intended) driver from NYC, says, Hey, between the uniforms and overheard chats, I’ve become quite the job detective!” When asked, Is taxi driving a good job? compared to other jobs she had, Lisa shared, It has its perks, especially with the flexibility and the stories. But there’s also a downside, like the wear and tear on the car.
Fun fact: during the pandemic, Lisa was like an unofficial therapist for healthcare workers. Much respect to them. Plus, they tip well. Surgeons, though? Mmm, not so much.
Every Breath You Take…
Wait, Tio’s got another revelation: breathing speaks volumes. (Yes, seriously!) All those little exhales, sniffles, or even trying-to-be-silent sobs? Tio’s got your back. Hey, feeling blue? Wanna chat? I got tissues and an ear, he jokes. But really, your breathing spills those beans – from allergies to anxiety. It’s kinda fascinating and perplexing how much a little inhale can reveal!
The Art of Backseat Navigating
Tech’s great, isn’t it? GPS pretty much maps out the whole journey. But there’s always that one passenger who feels they could chart the path better. Lisa chimes in, Sure, give me a heads-up on that sneaky turn, but let’s save the play-by-play for Google Maps, shall we? A common question that arises, How much do Uber comfort drivers make compared to regular Uber rides? Lisa says comfort rides generally pay better, but it also depends on demand and location.
So next time you hop into that ride, remember it’s not just a journey from point A to B. It’s a little adventure with some unexpected learning. Stay cool and enjoy the vibes! 😎🚗💨
Frequently asked questions:
can you have a dui and drive for uber eats
If you’re looking to drive for Uber Eats, there are some big no-nos that’ll boot you off the platform. Getting caught speeding over 100 mph, having a DUI, being reckless on the road, being involved in a hit and run, or getting a ticket for street racing are surefire ways to get disqualified.