Studying the wisdom of the Fittest Man On Earth is one of my purest passions. To that end, I’d like to focus on the realm of fitness and athleticism. CrossFit, a relatively new sport, has emerged as a revolutionary training program, gym service, and competitive sport that has captured the nation’s attention.
Every year, tens of thousands of people tune in to watch the CrossFit Games, where elite athletes compete for the coveted title of “Fittest in the World.” These competitions showcase not only raw physical ability but also mental toughness, discipline, and strategic training, qualities that are often found in those who achieve peak performance across various fields, including some of the richest bodybuilders in the world.

In particular, I want to share with you the invaluable lessons I have learned from Rich Froning’s book, “First: What It Takes to Win.” Widely regarded as the greatest Crossfitter of all time, Froning achieved an unprecedented feat by winning back-to-back titles for three years in a row and coming in second place in his first competition, a feat that no one has been able to replicate thus far.
Here are 8 of the most invaluable lessons I learned from the World’s fittest man.
Lessons I Learned from the Fittest Man On Earth
First: What It Takes to Win
1. Acquire Work Ethic From Examples In Your Life And Company You Keep
Rich’s strong work ethic wasn’t instilled in him through a typical lecture or instruction of teachers, but rather, it was modeled by his parents. They didn’t just talk about the value of hard work; they showed it through their actions. They were tireless workers who rarely allowed themselves a break to unwind and relax.
With such a family, Rich grew up in an environment where hard work and dedication were constantly reinforced and put on a pedestal. His parents demonstrated the importance of a strong work ethic through their own actions, and this approach left a lasting impact on Rich’s own approach to work.
Watching his parents work tirelessly day in and day out taught Rich the value of persistence and dedication in achieving success. Their example showed him that success isn’t simply handed to you but is something that is earned through hard work and perseverance. Overall, Rich’s parents taught him an important lesson about the power of leading by example. By modeling a strong work ethic themselves, they instilled the same values in their son, which has helped him achieve success in his own life.
2. Allow Competitive People Around You Promote Your Own Competitive Nature
As a child, Rich had an abundance of first cousins on his mother’s side – a total of over thirty-five. Large family gatherings, such as reunions and holiday parties, provided a perfect opportunity for friendly competition among the cousins. Whether it was playing video games or engaging in sports, Rich and his cousins would eagerly compete, each striving to outdo the other.
This competitive atmosphere ignited a passion within Rich to strive for excellence and fueled his desire to succeed in all areas of his life.
3. View Yourself With The Same Lens That You Do Others Rather Than Being Intimidated
When Rich first stepped onto the competition floor at the Crossfit Games, he couldn’t help but feel intimidated by the other athletes around him. The same feeling persisted during both the Regionals and Sectionals competitions. As he gazed upon the other participants, he saw only physical specimens, and he began to question whether he belonged there at all.
However, despite his self-doubt, Rich went on to win each competition by a significant margin. It was then that he realized that he was not viewing himself through the same lens he used to judge others. He had underestimated his own abilities and potential, and as a result, he was holding himself back.
Despite his impressive physique and the accolades that now follow him wherever he goes, Rich remains humble. He recognizes that his transformation from an ordinary individual to a world-class athlete began with a simple decision to believe in himself. He often reminds others that he was only ten pounds lighter before he started training for competition.
Rich’s story serves as a reminder that we should never count ourselves out or underestimate our abilities. Instead, we should give ourselves the credit and respect we deserve, and we should approach every challenge with confidence and a willingness to succeed.
4. Trust In Faith, Even In The Face Of Tragedy
Rich dedicated many years of his life to working as a fireman, following his graduation from college. Throughout his time on the job, he gained a deep understanding of the fact that there were always fires happening somewhere, no matter how peaceful or quiet things seemed. It was a realization that changed him, as he witnessed the incredible bravery and selflessness of his fellow firefighters, as well as the devastating consequences of the fires they fought.
One of the most profound experiences for Rich was seeing young, innocent people lose their lives in fires. It was a tragic and heart-wrenching reality that deeply affected him. However, even amid such heartbreak and tragedy, Rich gradually came to a realization that gave him peace. He began to believe that there was a higher power at work and that God had a plan for everything – even when it seemed like nothing but chaos and pain.
Over time, this belief became a source of strength and comfort for Rich. He was able to continue working as a fireman, knowing that even in the face of overwhelming tragedy, there was a purpose behind it all. His experiences on the job had taught him that life was precious and fragile and that every moment counted. It was a lesson that he carried with him throughout his life and one that helped him find meaning and purpose in everything he did.
5. Winning Doesn’t Mean As Much As Preserving One’s Mental State
CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that challenges individuals to perform a wide range of physically demanding exercises, from weightlifting and gymnastics to cardio and endurance training. The ultimate goal is not just to excel in one specific area, but rather to build overall physical capacity and endurance to perform well across multiple domains.
During his time as a competitive CrossFit athlete, Rich Froning Jr. discovered that winning wasn’t necessarily about finishing first in every single exercise. Rather, it was about consistently performing at a high level across all of the different exercises. In many ways, CrossFit can be compared to a triathlon or decathlon, where the final score is based on the average of all the individual events.
If an athlete can avoid a total meltdown or a catastrophic failure in any particular exercise, they are well on their way to becoming a successful CrossFit competitor. By developing the ability to endure a variety of taxing physical challenges, athletes can excel in the sport and achieve their goals. Ultimately, CrossFit rewards those who can maintain a high level of consistency and endurance across a broad range of exercises, rather than just excelling in one specific area.
6. Channel Your Failures As Motivations For Future Success
Rich competed in his first-ever Crossfit Games, managing to place second. However, his excitement was short-lived as he had failed to climb the rope in the last competition due to his lack of knowledge of proper rope-climbing techniques. This mistake cost him the win by a mere three points, leaving him devastated and feeling unprepared.
In retrospect, Rich believed that had he known the proper rope climbing technique, he would have easily secured first place. Despite the disappointment, this failure served as a significant motivating factor for him. Some even believe that he would have won four consecutive titles if it wasn’t for the rope climb event.
Interestingly, looking back, Rich acknowledges that he wouldn’t have won any title if it wasn’t for the rope climb event. It was this devastating setback that ignited a burning desire within him to train harder and eventually win many titles later on.
7. Let Your Purpose Eclipse You
In the latter part of Rich’s life, he experienced a profound dissatisfaction with the direction he had taken. His close associates and mentors, sensing his unease, asked him pointed questions such as, “What is driving you?” and “Would your deeds qualify you for heaven?” Unfortunately, Rich found himself unable to provide satisfactory answers to these questions, which left him in a state of deep introspection and self-assessment.
Upon reflection, Rich realized that his motivations were primarily self-serving, and his accomplishments did little to benefit others. This realization led him to reexamine the impact he wanted to make in the world and the type of legacy he hoped to leave behind. He came to understand that by embracing a purpose that extended beyond his own selfish desires, he would be more motivated to work harder and longer.
Consequently, Rich’s exploration led him back to his Christian faith, which he had previously abandoned. He discovered that the stories he had heard and read about in his youth contained a deeper meaning that resonated with him. By rekindling his faith, he found a renewed sense of purpose, which he carried with him when competing in the Games, during which Rich’s faith became a central motivator in his pursuit of victory.
Instead of focusing solely on his achievements, he saw himself as an ambassador for his faith and sought to promote it through his athletic prowess. This purpose-driven mentality proved invaluable, especially during times when he felt mentally and physically exhausted.
8. Set a Specific, Definitive Goal
Despite his success, Rich didn’t rely on any elaborate or complicated routines or secret processes. Instead, he often relied on his intuition and chose workouts based purely on how he felt that day. He believed that fitness was a personal journey that required individualized attention and effort.
However, through his observations, Rich noticed that there was a distinct difference between individuals who persisted in Crossfit and those who quit shortly after signing up. Those who stuck with the sport always had a clear, specific goal that they were working towards. It could be completing a workout within a certain time frame, lifting a specific weight, or achieving a desired physical appearance.
Rich recognized that setting and working towards a goal was a crucial component of achieving success in Crossfit, and likely, in any other endeavor. By having a clear goal in mind, individuals were able to maintain their motivation and focus, even during the most challenging workouts. Through consistent effort and dedication, these individuals were able to see progress and growth, which further fueled their commitment to their goals.
Lessons I Learned from the Fittest Man On Earth: Conclusion
Top 8 Lessons I Learned from the Fittest Man On Earth” is an article that provides insights into the mindset, training, and lifestyle of four-time CrossFit Games champion Rich Fronning. The key takeaways from his experience include the importance of hard work, consistency, humility, balance, mental toughness, being coachable, building a strong community, and focusing on the process rather than the outcome. By incorporating these lessons into one’s own life, it is possible to develop a strong foundation for sustainable progress and growth.
Frequently asked questions:
who is the fittest man on earth?
Mat Fraser is widely considered to be the fittest man on earth. He won the CrossFit Games, the premier event in the sport of CrossFit, for five consecutive years from 2016 to 2020. During his tenure, Fraser broke numerous records and demonstrated exceptional physical and mental strength, endurance, and skill.
how tall is rich froning?
Rich Froning, the American professional CrossFit athlete, is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm) tall.