3 key elements of motivation

Discover the 3 Key Elements of Motivation that drive success, boost productivity, and keep you focused on achieving your goals.

Motivation is what keeps us interested in our day-to-day activities. When we are motivated, we have a positive outlook towards our lives and look for goodness in every small thing. In this article, we are going to give you a brief overview of what motivation is and what the 3 key elements of motivation are.

3 key elements of motivation you need to know

What is motivation?

Motivation is the force that causes you to do any activity, regardless of whether it is simple or complex.  It acts on you mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically to induce you to act in a certain manner. If you want to understand about motivation, you have to first know about the 3 key elements of motivation and why each one of these elements is important for you. You should also know about where does self-motivation come from for a better understanding of the topic.

3 key elements of motivation

Today many schools and college students are being provided with a “what are the three key elements of motivation quizlet” to make them aware of the concept behind this term. If you want to teach the students, “where does self-motivation come from,”you have to first make them understand the fundamental concepts of motivation. Then, you should teach them to apply the same in their respective lives.

Here are the concepts explained in the “what are the three key elements of motivation quizlet” prepared for students at the grassroots level: The 3 key elements of motivation are:

  • Direction – this defines the effort that is put in towards a particular goal or objective
  • Intensity – this defines the amount of effort a person puts in for a particular activity
  • Persistence – this defines how long a person can continue to put in the same amount of effort to reach the objective

All of these three are key elements of motivation in psychology as well because they are the ones that push us to do a particular task.

1. Direction

This is one of the most important elements of motivation in psychology because this is what drives the other two. As the name suggests, this is the one that gives direction to your motivation. This is the phase where you set an objective or goal to yourself, based on various internal & external factors, current challenges and the belief in you.

Why is it the first among the 3 key elements of motivation? It is because the goals that are set are purely based on the individual. For example, when you want to lose closes to 5kgs in 5 months, you opt for the natural weight-loss technique of walking. You set a goal to walk between 7k and 10k steps in a day for 5 months continuously to achieve this target.

You plan this based on your time and personal commitments. Therefore, you take responsibility for this step, and you are also answerable to yourself if you have not met the goals.

2. Intensity

This is the amount of effort that you are ready to put in to meet the goal that you have set yourself in the direction phase. The effort is based on a lot of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, which define the elements of motivation in organizational behavior as well.

Intrinsic factors are the ones that drive you from within. It is the motivating factor that you feel inside, and this differs from person to person. Extrinsic factors are the ones that come from external people.

In the above example, you wanting to look leaner and fitter than before is an intrinsic factor. However, if you want to lose weight as part of a challenge from your boss or colleague, it is an extrinsic factor. This is because you are doing something to prove a point to others. Extrinsic motivation is usually accompanied by trophies, bonus payouts, promotions, etc.

Intensity is one of the key elements in organizational behavior and life, as well. If a person has the right intensity and drive to do certain things, he will put his best efforts to reach his direction. On the other hand, if he doesn’t feel motivated towards a particular goal, he will not give his best.

3. Persistence                                                 

You may walk 10K steps a day for a week and quit because your feet start to ache. Most of the people quit midway before reaching their goal, because of the lack of motivation to continue. This is why persistence is one of the toughest to follow among all the 3 key elements of motivation.

You have to be consistent, passionate and honest in your efforts if you want to reach your goal within the stipulated time. Again, the intrinsic and extrinsic factors play a vital role in this element as well. You will be consistent in your efforts if losing weight is a personally-satisfying experience for you. On the other hand, if you give more weight to extrinsic factors of motivation, you may be consistent only if there is a bonus or appreciation from others.

Staying self-motivated

Once you have understood these 3 key elements of motivation, it is easy for you to stay self-motivated even when the situations aren’t too favorable for you. All you need to do is:

  • To set a simple, reasonable goal for yourself (in the direction phase)
  • Put in your best efforts to reach the goal, keeping in mind your current shortcomings, if any (in the intensity phase)
  • Be consistent in your efforts to reach your goal within the stipulated timelines (in the persistence phase)

The first step in staying self-motivated is to know yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What keeps you going? Make a note of these things when you are setting goals. When you feel bogged down anytime in the intensity phase, you have to back yourself by reading through your strengths again and again. This will give you enough physical, mental and emotional strength to carry on and fulfill the persistence phase as well.


Always remember, you have to fill your minds with positive thoughts to stay motivated. There is a silver lining at the end of every dark tunnel. The challenge is to find that silver lining instead of staring at the dark tunnel. You will be surprised to know what positive thinking can do to you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the elements of motivation?

Motivation has three key elements: activation, persistence, and intensity. Activation refers to the decision to start a behavior, persistence refers to the continued effort toward a goal, and intensity refers to the amount of energy and focuses put into the behavior. Together, these elements drive and sustain motivation toward achieving desired outcomes.

What are the key elements of motivation?

The key elements of motivation are arousal, direction, and intensity. Arousal refers to the level of excitement or interest in the behavior, direction refers to the specific goal or outcome that the behavior is aimed at, and intensity refers to the amount of effort and concentration applied toward the goal. These elements work together to initiate and maintain motivated behavior.


Hello, my name is Alex, and I am the founder of Wolfionaire.com, a personal development, and finance blog focused on motivation, success, and wealth. I am obsessed with studying the world's wealthiest individuals and learning about their path to success. I believe anyone can achieve their financial goals with the right mindset and strategies, and I hope to inspire and empower my readers to pursue their own path to success.

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